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TRANSPORTATION IN PLANTS ( Plants Transportation )


  • The plants have low energy needs, as they use relatively slow transport systems.
  • Plant transport systems move energy from leaves and raw materials from roots to all their parts.
  • The xylem (tissue) moves water and minerals obtained from the soil to all other parts of the plants.
  • The phloem (tissue) transports products of photosynthesis from the leaves (where they are synthesized) to other parts of the plant.

Movement of Water in Plants

  • Water moves into the root from the soil and then steady it moves into the root xylem, creating a column of water, which is progressively pushed upwards.
  • Evaporation of water molecules from the cells of a leaf creates a suction process, which pulls water from the xylem cells of roots; this process keeps going on.
  • The loss of water in the form of vapor from the leaves (i.e. aerial parts) of the plant is known as transpiration.
  • Transpiration, likewise, helps in the absorption and upward movement of water and minerals dissolved in it from roots to the leaves.
  • Transpiration also helps in the temperature regulation (in plants).
  • The transport of soluble products of photosynthesis is known as translocation, which occurs in the part of the vascular tissue known as phloem.
  • Along with photosynthesis products, the phloem also transports amino acids and other substances, which are ultimately delivered to roots, fruits, seeds, and to growing organs.
  • The loss of water in the form of vapor from the leaves (i.e. aerial parts) of the plant is known as transpiration.
  • Transpiration, likewise, helps in the absorption and upward movement of water and minerals dissolved in it from roots to the leaves.

  • Transpiration also helps in the temperature regulation (in plants).
  • The transport of soluble products of photosynthesis is known as translocation, which occurs in the part of the vascular tissue known as phloem.
  • Along with photosynthesis products, the phloem also transports amino acids and other substances, which are ultimately delivered to roots, fruits, seeds, and to growing organs.


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